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Membership Agreement

Membership Agreement



This membership agreement is mutually accepted and comes into force upon the electronic approval by the "Member" while registering on the website (hereinafter referred to as "the site").

By giving electronic approval while registering on the Site, the User agrees, declares, and undertakes that they have read, understood the entire content of, and approved all the provisions of the Membership Agreement.


Bilge Toys Company, which operates the website, located at Kılınçarslan Neighborhood, Anamur Street No:3/B, 42080 Selçuklu/Konya (hereinafter referred to as "the seller").

Site: The online (on-line) platform accessible from the web address, where various services and contents are provided within a framework determined by the site.

Member: The natural or legal person who becomes a member of the Site and benefits from the Services offered on the Site under the conditions stated in this agreement.

Buyer: The Member who purchases goods and/or services offered for sale by using the Services provided on the Site.

User: The person who visits the website, whether they make a purchase or not.

Approval Process: The procedure that needs to be completed by the Member to activate the User's membership by sending a message from the site in the membership form.

Website Terms of Use and Membership Agreement: This agreement, concluded electronically between real and/or legal persons who will benefit from the commercial and personal services provided via the Site, and

Subject and Scope of the Agreement

The subject of the Membership Agreement is the determination of the Services provided on the Site, the conditions for benefiting from these Services, and the rights and obligations of the parties.

The scope of the Membership Agreement includes this agreement and its annexes, and all warnings, writings, and statements made by the seller regarding usage, membership, and Services on the Site. By accepting the provisions of the Membership Agreement, the Member also accepts all statements made by the seller regarding usage, membership, and Services on the Site. The Member agrees, declares, and undertakes to act in accordance with all matters specified in these statements.

The services provided through the website generally constitute electronic commerce as defined in Consumer Law legislation.

The services provided through the website include, but are not limited to, the sale of products offered on the address, delivery of the goods to the customer by the cargo company on behalf of within the committed time without defects, provided that the price is paid by the Member and the supplier's stock status allows for the performance of the seller's obligation to deliver the goods.

The website is completely free to determine the scope and nature of the services it will provide through the Site and is deemed to have put into effect the changes it makes regarding the services by publishing them on the Site.

To benefit from the services provided within the Site, users must meet the features determined by and specified in the relevant section of the Site. is completely free to determine these features and is deemed to have put into effect the changes it makes regarding these features by publishing them on the Site.

Membership and Service Usage Conditions

Membership is completed by sending the necessary identity information for registration to the Site from the relevant section of the Site by the person who wants to become a Member and approval of the registration by the seller. Until the membership process is completed, the rights and authorities defined by this agreement as a Member cannot be acquired.

To become a member of the Site, one must be of legal age, and for legal entity members, the person must be authorized to represent and bind the legal entity and must not have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by the seller under this agreement. Applications made by persons who are not of legal age or not authorized to represent and bind the legal entity for legal entity members, or who have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned from membership by the seller under this agreement, even if the Site registration process is completed, do not entitle the use of the rights arising from Membership.

The seller may, at any time, unilaterally terminate this agreement, without any justification, notification, or liability for compensation, and immediately end the Member's membership, or temporarily suspend the Member's membership without terminating the agreement. The decisions of termination, ending membership, and suspension of membership stated in this article will be made entirely by the seller's own discretion due to violations of this agreement, violations of the rules stated on the site, the determination by the seller that the Member's transactions or the situations resulting from these transactions pose a risk under the seller's information security system, or the seller's commercial decisions or the assessment that the situation poses a legal risk.

Rights and Obligations

Member's Rights and Obligations

The Member agrees, declares, and undertakes to comply with all the conditions in the Membership Agreement, the rules specified in the relevant parts of the Site, and all applicable legislation while completing the membership procedures, benefiting from the Services of the Site, and performing any transaction related to the Services on the Site.

The Member agrees, declares, and undertakes that the seller is authorized to disclose the confidential/private/commercial information belonging to the Member to official authorities and rightful persons, if required by the mandatory provisions of the current legislation or in cases where the rights of other members or third parties are claimed to be violated, and that they cannot claim any compensation from the seller for this reason.

The responsibility for the security, storage, and keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and usage of the system access tools (username, password, etc.) used by the Members to benefit from the services provided by the seller, lies entirely with the Members. The seller has no direct or indirect responsibility for any damages suffered or may be suffered by the Members and/or third parties due to the negligence and faults of the Members in the security, storage, keeping away from the knowledge of third parties, and usage of the system access tools.

Members agree, declare, and undertake that the information and content provided by them on the Site is accurate and lawful. The seller is not responsible or liable for investigating the accuracy of the information and content transmitted or uploaded by Members to the seller or the Site, ensuring that these information and content are safe, accurate, and lawful, and for any damages arising from incorrect or faulty information and content.

Members cannot partially or completely transfer their rights and obligations under the Membership Agreement to any third party without the seller's written approval.

Those who benefit from the services provided by the seller and use the Site can only perform transactions on the Site for lawful purposes. The legal and penal responsibility of each transaction and action performed by the Members on the Site belongs to them. Each Member agrees, declares, and undertakes that they will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process, or use in any other way the images, texts, visual and auditory images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs, and lists available on the Site in a way that infringes on the rights of the seller and/or any third party, and that they will not engage in any activity that would result in direct and/or indirect competition with the seller by such actions or in other ways. The seller is not responsible for any direct and/or indirect damages suffered or may be suffered by third parties due to the activities performed by the Members on the Site in violation of the provisions of the Membership Agreement and/or the law.

The seller, its employees, or managers are not responsible for the services provided and content published on the Site by third parties, including Members. The accuracy and legality of the information, content, visual and auditory images provided and published by any third party is entirely the responsibility of the person performing these actions. The seller does not guarantee the security, accuracy, and legality of the services and content provided by third parties, including Members.

The Member agrees, declares, and undertakes that the seller will share the membership information of the Members who are entitled to participate in the campaigns and drawings with the relevant persons and institutions within the scope of any campaign and drawing conducted by the seller on the Site, and that they will not claim any compensation from the seller for this reason.

The Member agrees, declares, and undertakes that they are obliged to take the measures and procedures required by the relevant legislation in relation to their transactions on the Portal as an advertiser, producer, taxpayer, or similar titles, and that the seller has no authority and responsibility regarding these measures and procedures, and that they will be responsible for any damages suffered or may be suffered by other Members, the seller, and/or third parties due to their negligence and faults in failing to take these measures and procedures within the scope specified in this article.

The Member can start using the Site by entering their email address and password after completing the necessary sections for registration and confirming their email address, provided that they comply with the conditions specified in this agreement.

The Member agrees to comply with the Turkish Penal Code, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, Decree Laws and legal regulations on the Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights, Law of Obligations, other relevant legislation provisions, and all kinds of announcements and notifications published by the Site regarding the services while benefiting from the Site and its services. All legal, penal, and financial responsibilities arising from such illegal use rest with the Member.

The information of the members visiting the site (frequency of visits, times of visits, etc.) is tracked to provide better service. This information is shared with firms cooperating on advertising, etc., in compliance with confidentiality conditions, to expand and improve the content. The purpose here is to improve the service provided to the users of the site and to enrich the content

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